Friday, September 16, 2016

ch.2-Strategic Planning

The Mercedes Benz goal is to stay as one of the leader  in technology and innovation.they want to create more cars with green technology. Mercedes also is targeting younger audiences. they were weak in that field that most of the people who have Mercedes are on average 50 and of there goals is to attract people form the age 25 to 40 so they could grow there market up to 75 million people. they have also subsides some cars so that a lot of more people have the chance to afford a luxury car. there are trying to fix another weakness is maintenance because Mercedes are expensive to maintain e. there product Portfolio is good because of the sedan they which make them compete with others. Mercedes will try to work these weakness, however it doesnt  stop them from reaching there goals they want to expand to Asia there ready establish in India. pollution is already affecting us in some way or another Mercedes is trying to make there cars better for the environment. for example. in 2015 they reduce the average of co2 emission in there cars from 129grams per kilometers to 123 kilometers and the target for 2016 was 125 they have reached there goal already.

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